Bolivia Strengthens Nearshore Presence

Bolivia Strengthens Nearshore Presence

with Antit Nearshore

In 2013, Bolivia was rated 105 out of 144 for global competitiveness by the World Economic Forum. With this impressive financial accolade under its belt, some are wondering if this will herald the entry of Bolivia on the world IT outsourcing phase in earnest. As James' highlighted, there's already some activity in the industry and an increasingly healthy and expanding market could certainly help to increase interest in the little Latin American country.

Bolivia Strengthens Nearshore Presence

Antit is a significant nearshore software development firm focused on driving customer results by leveraging their experience throughout the product development lifecycle.  The company is headquartered in Silicon Valley with technology facilities in Costa Rica, Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia making them particularly well-suited to both established and early-stage companies in North America and Latin America.  

Before answering this question you should know about the Nearshore model advantages along with Bolivia advantages.    Asian countries, such as India and China, are the main source to perform offshore software jobs for decades. India, for example, started outsourcing applications aggressively starting in the 70s. For all these years they have produced a unusually large pool of qualified engineers who are proficient in legacy in addition to newer technologies.  The technology required to construct your job is also very important; should you require constructing a project using a legacy technology, there are more options in Asian nations.  Obviously, the software development explosion in Nearshore countries, such as Bolivia, has been around for less than one decade.  Additionally, having two groups in different geographical locations, it's easy to take care of an integral resource leaving the undertaking or an aggressive deadline to be achieved.  

Obviously they are, some businesses have the opportunity to work together: Nearshore and Offshore providers and get the advantages of both versions, reducing the time to market for those goods and reducing risks to the job.  Because of the technology explosion in Asian countries, they sponsor the R&D centres of rather major software companies.  At Antit, we have got powerful stories working with partners in the United States, Canada, India and China. We'll be delighted to assist you also.

It's totally possible to have a Bolivian Nearshore team working through the day and an Asian overseas team working immediately with the result that you're generating applications 24 hours a day.

Although Bolivian companies have access to very good universities and talented professionals, obviously the experience of Asian nations have gathered is much more well known.  Finally, the level of integration with an offshore team is also important; if you need continuous communication throughout the work day and incorporate the offshore team with a dynamic methodology, by means of example, your first choice is to examine the Nearshore version with Bolivia. While some approaches to picking a Nearshore development spouse have changed this past year, there are still several benefits of Nearshore that will endure through any emergency.   In a distant Nearshore development venture, safety is king, so make sure you ask potential partners how they ensure information security and data protection throughout their business.  It's no secret that time zone alignment is one of the Nearshore area's biggest selling points, but the United States itself spans multiple time zones from east to west, occasionally resulting in a few hours gap with Latin America.  To avoid this issue, your spouse should present CVs to present a selection of engineers, then allow you to interview them and speak with them freely-it's much better to get to know people individually before inviting them to join the group.  Also, a willingness to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) when talks begin signifies a direct intention to construct trust in the venture.  By picking a provider in the same or similar time zone, you are restricting any disruption to your program and ensuring that you can maintain timely communications with headquarters-something to consider for future trips south. This motivation has helped many countries to develop strong English language abilities, with a few, like Bolivia, nearshore in Cuba owning neutral accents that resonate well with US companies.  It's therefore important to take into account the need to overlap working hours with your Nearshore development partner.    Without the capacity to see partners in person, it will help to locate companies that would like to share as much as possible about their business in a digital setting, while keeping an open channel of communications and visibility to the project.

Nearshore Bolvia

Accelerance has coached 43 software development partners throughout the world, including Latin America.  Those that have ventured to Bolivia have discovered much of advantage to in relation to IT outsourcing to the country.

 "I visited Bolivia two decades back and was amazed at the software development talent and entrepreneurial spirit I found there.

In Cochabamba, there are over a dozen small and large software companies that create systems for nations like the U.S. Sanjay Govil, founder and Chairman of Infinite Computer Solutions, stated: "Sourcing from Latin America is currently a priority for technology businesses in the U.S. In 2013, Bolivia was rated 105 out of 144 for global competitiveness by the World Economic Forum.  With this impressive financial accolade under its belt, some are wondering if this will herald the entry of Bolivia on the world IT outsourcing phase in earnest, there's already some activity in the industry and an increasingly healthy and expanding market could certainly help to increase interest in the little Latin American country.  In the same year Mexico and Costa Rica were ranked 61 and 51 respectively. In a 2013 analysis of the Bolivian software development industry by Claudia Ricaldez, it was noted,"Bolivia contributes to IT spending in the area with less than 9%.  Thus, outsourcing (as in the case of Uruguay) provides a larger perspective for the software business and new market possibilities worldwide.    Despite this relatively low place, the county was on an upward trajectory concerning the competitiveness positions.

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